Slam: a heavy blow or impact, this is one definition of the word, according to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. To slam something—anything—is an act that normally receives one’s immediate and undivided attention. Unlike a typical open mic poetry reading, a slam poet must seize the audience’s attention and captivate them with his/her words. In short: to “slam” poetry is to perform poetry.
Join us on Saturday, August 19, 2017 in the Eastman Reading Garden at Cleveland Public Library for Speak Out! a Cleveland Public Poetry open mic poetry slam. Sponsored by the Ohio Center for the Book at Cleveland Public Library, Speak Out! will be an afternoon of verse with topics that focus on the traditional themes of spoken-word poetry: politics, relationships, and social justice. We invite those 18 years and older to bring your original poetry to read (see registration form for guidelines/rules). If you prefer to come and sit, listen, enjoy snacks, and offer your snaps of encouragement and approval—that’s okay, too. All poets must register; on-site registration will begin promptly at noon; the program will start at 1:00 p.m. Download the Speak Out! Registration Form here or request one by contacting Literature/Ohio Center for the Book at Cleveland Public Library at
Our emcee/host Eris Eady will deftly instruct audience members and guide participants, both beginner and experienced poets, in this public performance of poetic testimonies. Like most poetry slams, Speak Out! promises to give the audience a rich experience in that they will connect with different perspectives on the human condition. This is what poetry has always done: Speak to People. Got something to say? Now’s the time to Speak Out!
Prizes: There will be one Grand Prize: an Amazon Kindle Fire and a $50 Amazon gift card. There will be two runner-up prizes: very special gift baskets.
For more information, contact us at 216.623.2881 or at