“Your Speculative Fiction:
From Concept to Elevator Pitch”
Free Workshop with Linda Robertson
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Bellflower Hall 102, 11421 Bellflower Ave. | 1:00 to 3:30
Only 20 Participants/ Must Pre-register
Send your 1 page fantasy/speculative fiction novel concept with your registration to writershouse@case.edu.
Come and join the conversation with author Linda Robertson. She’ll be talking about how to strengthen your pitch, as well as answering your questions about the craft of writing, agents and editors, and the publishing industry.
Linda Robertson is an internationally published author with seven novels in two separate fantasy/speculative fiction series: the Persephone Alcmedi Series and the newer Immanence Series. https://authorlindarobertson.com/home.
Writers House (also known as Bellflower Hall) is located at 11427 Bellflower Avenue, Cleveland OH 44106. For further information, email writershouse@case.edu or call 216-368-2355.