Cleveland Public Library
Literature Department, 2nd Floor
Main Library, 325 Superior Ave.
12:00 p.m., Thursday, February 14, 2019
Come share an original or classic poem that celebrates the romantic tradition of Valentine’s Day. Foster’s latest collection is titled Blood Work (Outlandish Press, 2018). After a Q&A, the mic will open for others. If you don’t want to read, that’s okay. Just listen and enjoy the work of our featured poet and others. For more details contact the Literature Department/Ohio Center for the Book at 216-623-2881.
About the Poet. Kisha Nicole Foster is a poet, educator, coach, and mentor. For the past three years she has served as Ohio Center for the Book Fellow, as N.E. Regional Coordinator for Ohio Poetry Out Loud. She has represented Cleveland several times nationally, competing at the 2003 National Poetry Slam, 2008 Individual World Poetry Slam, and the 2009 Women of the world. Kisha Nicole Foster has published Poems: 1999-2014 and her latest chapbook titled Blood Work (Outlandish Press, 2018). She is Director of Special Programs for Twelve Literary Arts.