Get Graphic! with the Ohio Center for the Book, a graphic novel book discussion series at Cleveland Public Library, begins another series for spring 2019. Join us for book discussions the first and third Thursdays each month, March through May, at 4:00 p.m., in the Literature Department at the Main Library, 325 Superior Ave., 2nd floor. Our special guest reader for Get Graphic! Is Valentino Zullo. Download the spring 2019 schedule here. For more information contact the Literature Department at 216-623-2881.
COMICS AND THE CLINIC. Comics and medicine have a long shared history. In this series the history and practice of medicine in comics is explored through a series of graphic memoirs that provide insight into what it is like to be a patient, to live with illness, and the impact on the self, family and friends.
Get Graphic! A Cleveland Public Library Graphic Novel Book Club
Tangles by Sarah Leavitt
Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow by Anders Nilsen
Epileptic by David B.
Nothing Lasts Forever by Sina Grace
MAY 16
Mis(h)adra by Iasmin Omar Ata
Guest Reader. Valentino Zullo is a PhD student in the Department of English at Kent State University and a Therapist in the Maternal Depression Unit at Ohio Guidestone. He holds a Master of Arts in English and Women’s Studies from Bowling Green State University, and a Master of Science in Social Administration from The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. Valentino believes in Literature, Social Justice and the Superhero Way!