Step inside Thurber House, the restored 1873 Victorian home in Columbus, Ohio, where humorist James Thurber lived from 1913-1917. The following photos are from Page Count‘s recent visit to Thurber House, where Literature Department Manager Don Boozer and Ohio Center for the Book Fellow Laura Maylene Walter toured the home to learn about Thurber’s life, creative works, and legacy. Be sure to listen to the resulting Page Count episode, “Touring the Thurber House.”
Thurber HouseInside Thurber HouseThurber may have used this very typewriter at The Columbus Dispatch.Photos of authors who have visited Thurber House adorn the walls.Visitors can purchase Thurber books and gifts in the shop.This style of antique telephone was featured in a Thurber cartoon.The ParlorThis wallpaper design was recreated from what hung in Thurber’s time.Thurber was in this very bathroom when he claimed to hear a ghost.Living RoomThis rocking chair was in the house during the Thurbers’ tenure.Thurber HouseL-R: Steve Andersson, docent; Leah Wharton, operations director; Laura Maylene Walter, Page Count hostSteve Andersson shows the scale of one of Thurber’s drawings. Visiting writers sign Thurber’s bedroom closet.Thurber Centennial Reading GardenThurber Centennial Reading GardenThurber Centennial Reading GardenLaura Maylene Walter visits the unicorn statue in Thurber Park.The unicorn statue is based on a Thurber drawing and his famous “The Unicorn in the Garden” fable.Don Boozer poses with the unicorn statue in Thurber Park.