Get Ready for a Writing Challenge

Have you ever imagined writing a novel some day? November is National Novel Writing Month and would be the perfect time to make that dream a reality.

Since 1999, the founders of this novel-writing marathon encourage anyone to write 50,000 words in 30 days! Now, I know that some of you may think that this is an impossible task—madness. Ah! Though this be madness, yet there is method in it. One of the reasons for this writing challenge is to have an easily-accessible structure designed for anyone wanting to write every day (maybe knock out the first draft of a novel) and connect with a very supportive writing community. It’s not impossible. Hundreds of participants have published books they started during National Novel Writing Month—at least eight have been bestsellers. The jewel in the crown of this challenge is that it allows you to jumpstart that novel, poetry collection, or play that you’ve always wanted to write. Millions from all over the world have taken the challenge because everyone has a story. Why not share yours?

The Ohio Center for the Book at Cleveland Public Library would like to help participants achieve their writing goals. Our first event, “Let’s Prep for a Writing Challenge,” will be held in-person in the Literature Department, 2nd floor, Main Library, 325 Superior Avenue in downtown Cleveland from 3:30-5:30 on Saturday, October 23. Learn about resources, discuss projects, and receive feedback in a safe writing space. Writing “survival” kits will be available while supplies last. Note: Attendees must adhere to the Library’s mask/social distancing policy.

During each Saturday in November, we will host online write-in events that will feature local authors and activities to keep you writing. Cleveland Public Library Harvard-Lee and Langston Hughes branch libraries will also serve as designated spaces for participants to connect to these online events. For details and connection information, visit or call 216-623-2881. No registration is required.

Visit for information about National Novel Writing Month online events taking place throughout Ohio and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Image Attribution: Creative Stall, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Note: A change was made to original image.